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Showing posts from 2018

Credit Payment and Cash Flow

Every month, some customers like to talk with us about the credit payment term, so what does credit payment term mean to a company? When it comes to the credit payment term, what it really matters to us is the cash flow management. Now before approving customers’ application for credit payment term, China-Flag-Makers will not only take full consideration of a company’s credit but also its payment history, payment habit and history transaction. Also, we will pay more attention to the industry position and profit model of a company. Whether a company, whose annual revenue is 5 million dollars with an annual growth of 15% and profit rate of 15%, is a good company or not? Financially, this is a good company. But such a company is not so good to a decision maker, as it may have counted its payment receivable into its revenue. The more the payment receivable a company has, the less cash flow a company possesses. China-Flag-Makers offers the credit payment service to customers with

USA Warehouse Service for Tent Hardware

In the second half of 2018, China-Flag-Makers will set about establishing 3 USA warehouses, which locate in the east, west and middle of America respectively. On June 13 th , 2018, 100 sets of tent hardware will be stored in our warehouses in the east and west of the USA. On July 3 rd , 2018, 230 sets of tent hardware will be delivered to our warehouse in the west of the USA. On July 18 th , 2018, 230 sets of tent hardware will be shipped to our warehouse in the east of the USA. China-Flag-Makers strictly selects the best and most experienced warehousing logistic companies with good warehouses and convenient traffic to cooperate with. One one hand, our USA warehouses can help save the logistic costs for our B customers (Manufacturer to Business). On the other hand, they can better serve you in the following aspects: 1.  Pick up service: customers can go to the nearest warehouse and pick up the hardware. 2.  Freight collect payment service: customers can ship the h

China-Flag-Makers: A Service and Integration Provider with Complete Supply Chain Advantages

Before cooperating with core customers,  China-Flag-Makers  always spends a lot of time to know the customers by searching customers’ website, chatting with customers online, inviting customers for a visit, contacting with clients by email and phone calls or organizing online meetings. Meanwhile, we also make analysis and comparison of the business models among our customers, through which China-Flag-Makers has a better knowledge and clearer idea of serving B customers (Manufacturer to Business). Based on this, we have achieved resource complementary with our customers. Besides selling a series of products and offering customized services, our ultimate goal is to grow together with our customers. Here I want to put an emphasis on customer visiting. Considering the long-term cooperation, B customers will definitely propose to visit the company and factory, and we take it as an opportunity to show our quality and speed control as well as our strength. What’s more, customers’ 

New Regional Development Position of Fuzhou —A City of Innovation for New Retail

On my way to the factory, I listened the 987, a local radio of Fuzhou. Then a piece of news about the position of Fuzhou City— “A City of Innovation for New Retail” —attracts me. In China, the position of a city always relates to the housing price. The GDP of a city can be faked, but the competition among cities can be explicitly reflected by the housing price. There are a lot of cities in China, and let’s take Shenzhen and Guangzhou as an example. These two cities are close geographically and it takes only about 2 hours drive from Guangzhou to Shenzhen. But the housing price of Guangzhou is just half of that of Shenzhen. Why? Because these two cities have different positions. Shenzhen, a city of innovation, boosts good innovative circumstances and rich creative culture. It is the home of many innovative companies and enterprises. Meanwhile, as a youngest and most inclusive city in China, Shenzhen has attracted a lot of young people to work, study and live there. The slo

A secret for a Company to Achieve Sustainable Development in Advertising Textile Printing Industry

Among all our cooperation partners, some choose to go to the Business School for further MBA study, some try to learn through reading various commercial books, listening to different types of APPs, or attending private advisory boards. Though their ways of studying are different, their goals are the same, and what they want to know is why some companies can keep growing while others are flashes in the pan. In the past 10 years, some companies in the  textile printing industry disappear or transform in the process of operation while some grow bigger and bigger. There is a common feature for those growing companies. That is, they don’t have many workers, but possess a strong ability to position and reposition themselves in management. Meanwhile, as time goes on, they persistently go deeper into this industry.  Based on the competition trend, changing situation and constant iteration in the textile printing industry, they constantly adjust their position and business

What makes the small business grow and develop in the advertising textile printing industry?

The prerequisite of persistence is to have the right strategic decision. Once a wrong decision is made, sticking to it is to magnify your mistake. I often ask myself, “What is it that makes a company succeed in the competition?” Normally, there are two modes of business operation, one is differentiation and the other is low cost. A company can usually grow bigger through low-cost operation, cutting down cost by large-scale purchase and centralized production. Then what makes the small business grow and develop in the market? The only way is to be different from others. How to differentiate your company from that of your competitors? Take our industry as an example, it is too hard to make the differentiation in products, or packages, or product brands. Let's make an assumption, just imagine that we buy ten  banners from ten suppliers, then remove the labels and put them together to have a blind test. What will happen? Obviously, we will find it is hard to pick out the ban

Insight into APPPEXPO: Digital Technology Creates Magical Changes in Advertising Printing

Influenced by digital technology, the traditional advertising printing industry has changed a lot, the digital textile printing products are rapidly becoming the leader who has changed industry rules in the fields of apparel, decoration and industrial textiles. Meanwhile, advertising and new technology interweave with each other and evolve to many different kinds of products, applications, and programs. Just as the theme of the APPPEXPO, The Intersection of Advertising and New Technology , the focus of the exhibition is also revolving around the combination of digital technology and advertising. Four Highlights of the APPPEXPO Digital Textile Printing Digital Packaging Digital Signage Digital Display Digital textile printing, featuring faster production time and lower energy consumption, no pollution, leading to better textile printing results, has created an unparalleled chance that collaborates traditional inkjet printing with the textile printing. Digita