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Showing posts from January, 2020

Straight Fabric Stand--Better Brand Exposure and Easier Display

Two Ways to Cut Internal Cost in a Corporate

Why should we keep a keen eye on internal costs? According to the industry report, if a company wants to keep a sustainable growth and survive in an industry, the capability to control internal cost is quite vital . In fact, there is no lowest cost, but a reasonable one . Too low cost will lead to low quality. And nowadays, few people will buy a product that is “lowest price but highest quality”. Obviously, it is impossible to ensure high quality while you just invest a little on products.  Then how can we ensure a reasonable cost while keeping ourselves competitive in the market? There are two ways to cut internal costs, one is to enhance internal management and the other is to increase efficiency. Before adopting these two methods, offering products and services of consistent quality should come first. Try to understand each requirement from customers and know clearly of customers’ expectations, and then achieve lean production while producing products that really me...

Custom Printed Stretch Table Covers

Why Tension Fabric Display is Regarded as One of the Most Attention-getting & Results-driven Trade Show Displays?

Whenever we plan to host a marketing campaign or event promotion and attend a trade show or exhibition, we will have a set goal or an expectation of the results for these activities. We hope to expose our brands to the most, attract targeted audiences as many as possible, and the best and ideal result we want to get is to win business. Then with all these expectations, we will try to find an effective trade show display to help us get attention and drive leads. Here I am going to share with you one of the most attention-getting display tools-- tension fabric display . Tension fabric display is regarded as an indispensable display tool for indoor trade show events. Its design is chic and simple. Its frame structure is consisted of several aluminum tubes, with spring buttons, all the tubes can be easily connected. Compared with a traditional pop-up display truss, the tube structure is more economical and more convenient to transport and use. Therefore, some people take it as...

$1 Custom Flag & $5-10 Table Cover are Available! Follow Lily and Get th...

How to Set up Straight Fabric Banner Stands