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Copyright issues---Printers Should always Keep An Eye On

As the term implies, a copyright protects from having their work copied or plagiarized. Literary material (printed works, books, etc.), music, art, film, video, and drama are common examples of works protected by copyright. In the U.S., a copyright is in effect for the life of the author or producer, plus 50more years after his or her death. All printing displays, table cloths from China Flag Makers are authorized by original author or producer. In graphic communications or printing, you should be primarily concerned with copyrights on printed matter.
For example, a textbook will have the copyright information on the title page or on the page right after or before the title page. The copyright should say “copyright” or use the symbol “©” followed by the name of the copyright owner and the year the work was first published.
When someone brings in materials (sign, poster, ad, etc.) and asks the printer or copy service to reproduce it, they may be asking the printer or copy service to break a copyright law. Illegal requests for duplication are commonly made of printers. However, this is in violation of copyright statutes. China Flag Makers always value honesty, integrity and credibility during our business interact with our customers. We would never give our customers’ info or custom canopy tent artwork to any third party, nor do we accept any printing work for illegal copies of group emblem or company logo.
The copyright act of 1909 was revised on October 19, 1976 and went into effect on January 1, 1978. Under the new law---“a copyright is automatically secured when work is created and a work is created when it is fixed as a copy. Copies are material objects from which a work can be read either directly or with the aid of a machine.”
This means that the copyright owner determines who is able to use the material. Permission for use must be initiated by the requestor, usually in writing.
Exceptions for duplicating copyrighted materials do exist and they are listed in the Fair Use Clause for use must be initiated by the requestor, usually in writing.
A typical example of this often takes place in the school classroom when a teacher photocopies copyrighted material for classroom use by students. This act falls under this exception clause. Students can also copy protected material if it is used to assist in a lesson, or for private study or research. For a complete use statement, the copyright laws should be read.
The factors commonly used by the courts to determine if infringement of copyright has taken place are:
1. How material has been used.
2. Type of work copied.
3. Amount of material copied.
4. Content of material.
5. Value of material.


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