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Some Printing trade Customs You Should Know Before A Printing Work 2.

In the last blog we’ve explained 6 trade customs. Still, the following content will continue to help us know some trade customs that both printer and customer are supposed to know.
unless specially provided in printer’s quotation there will be an additional charge for press proofs. An inspection sheet of any form can be submitted for customer approval, at no charge, provided customer is available at the press during the time of make-ready. Any charges, corrections or lost press time due to customer’s change or delay will be charged for at current rates.
because of differences in equipment, paper, inks and other conditions between color proofing and production pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job shall constitute acceptable delivery.China Flag Makers will send artwork of table cloths to our customers for color proof before production, colors are strictly conformed with Pantone matching system.
over runs and under runs not to exceed 10% on quantities ordered up to 10,000 copies and/or the percentage agreed upon over or under quantities ordered above 10,000 copies shall constitute acceptable delivery. Printer will bill for actual quantity delivered within this tolerance if customer requires guaranteed “no less than” delivery, percentage tolerance of overage must be doubled.
the printer will maintain fire, extended coverage, vandalism, malicious mischief and sprinkler leakage insurance on all property belonging to the customer, while such property is in the printer’s possession; printer’s liability for such property shall not exceed the amount recoverable from such insurance.
unless otherwise specified the price quoted is for a single shipment , without storage. F.O.B local customer’s place of business or F.O.B printer’s platform for out-of-town customers. Proposals are based on continuous and uninterrupted delivery of complete order, unless specifications distinctly state otherwise. Charges related to delivery from customer to printer, or from customer’s supplier to printer are not included in any quotations unless specified. Special priority pick up or delivery service will be provided at current rates upon customer’s request. China Flag Makers can provides 3days delivery service for table cloths and 4days for canopy tents. Materials delivered from customer or his suppliers are verified with delivery ticket as to cartons, packages or items shown only. The accuracy of quantities indicated on such tickets cannot be verified and printer cannot accept liability for shortage based on supplier’s tickets. Title for finished work shall pass to the customer upon delivery to carrier at shipping point or upon mailing of invoices for finished work, whichever occurs first.
production schedules will be established and adhered to by customer and printer, provided that neither shall incur any liability or penalty for delays due to state of war, riot, civil disorder, fire, strikes, accidents, action of government or civil authority and acts of God or other causes beyond the control of customer or printer.
paper stock, camera copy, film, color seperations, proofs, and other customer furnished materials shall be manufactured, packed and delivered to printer’s specifications. Additional cost due to delays or impaired production caused by specification deficiencies shall be charged to the customer.


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