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Some Printing trade Customs You Should Know Before A Printing Work 1.

What are trade customs?
Trade customs are understood rules or implied laws used in the printing industry. After something has been in use for a long time, it has the same effect as a law.
A trade custom does not spring up overnight. Just because an act is done over and over does not make it a custom. The act must be recognized by all parties as a contract and that rights and responsibilities are established by the custom.
Printing trade cutoms
Trade customs have been backed up by the courts as binding agreements. At times, specific contracts are issued when other additional terms are desired. Printing trade customs Trade customs have been in general use in the printing industry throughout the United States of America for more than 50years. Especially in our custom printing industry of table cloths, feather flags and banners, some customs are well established.
1. Quotation: a quotation not accepted within thirty days is subjected to review. Materials are quoted based on current costs and are subjected to change.
2. Orders: orders are not deemed accepted until customer credit has been approved. Orders regularly entered, verbal or written, cannot be cancelled except upon terms that will compensate printer against loss.
3. Preparatory work: sketches, art work, composition, plates, negatives, positives, dies, and otherwise agreed in writing. Experimental work performed at customer’s request will be charged for at current rates and may not be used without consent of the printer.
4. Condition of copy: estimates for typesetting are based on the receipt of original copy or manuscript clearly typed, double-spaced on 8 1/2”x11” uncoated stock, one side only. Condition of copy which deviates from this standard is subject to reestimating and pricing review by printer at time of submission of copy, unless otherwise specified in estimate.
5. Alterations: alterations represent work performed in addition to the original specifications. Such additional work shall be charged at current rates and be supported with documentation upon request.
6. Proofs: proofs shall be submitted with original copy. Corrections are to be made on “master set”, returned marked “O.K.” or “O.K. with corrections” and signed by customer. If revised proofs are designed, request must be made when proofs are returned in writing. China Flag Makers takes care the preparatory work of each order, all custom tents artworks have to be approved by customers. Printer regrets any errors that may occur through production undetected, but cannot be held responsible for errors if the work is printed per customer’s O.K. or if changes are communicated verbally. Printer shall be responsible for errors if the customer has not ordered or has refused to accepted proofs or has failed to return proofs with indication of changes or has instructed printer to proceed without submission of proofs.
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