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Very Useful Tips For Design

Today we will continue to give some useful tips in design. Let's start with optical and true centers.
Optical and true centers.
Printing located at the vertical center of a piece of paper appears to be low. Major type or illustration elements should not be placed at the true center of a page. Instead of they should be raised approximately one-tenth the distance from the true center to the top pf the page. This position is know as the optical center. It is the part of the page that the eye sees as being the center. Thus, if you happen to have a print work for your logo or emblem, it’s better for you to put your logo artwork at the optical center on the table cloths graphics for better vision.
Contrast provides emphasis to a word, a series of words, or an illustration. Contrast can also be used to relieve monotony in a printed message.
Eye movement across a printed page may be slow or swift, left or right, upward or downward, flowing or jerky. We call this motion rhythm. It’s possible to lead to lead a reader’s eye in a desired direction by placement of type and illustrations.
Unity is the harmonious relationship among the various type and illustration elements in a printed job. Two or more typefaces should be combined in a single job only if they look right together. Typefaces with similar shapes and weights may be combined if done with care. Using several different type sizes and styles in a single layout distracts from the clarity of the message and should be avoided. The use of illustrations of various sizes and shapes can also distract from the harmony of a job. Unit is achieved by using the same basic shape throughout.
Selecting ink color and paper color for a printed job is part of the design process. You must have already seen how color can be used to emphasize a word, a series of words, or an illustration in some colored books. Color can do much more than just provide emphasis, however, ink and paper colors can attract attention, hold attention, and even communicate directly with the viewer. China Flag Makers boasts for advanced print technology, through which table covers and tents are really vibrant in color. Color plays an important role in attracting and holding attention.
Color attracts attention.
A visual message cannot be successfully sent if the intended receiver does not look at it. Color can be used to attract attention to the message. Bright colors, for example, will draw attention to billboard’s and posters that are read from a distance.
Color holds attention.
Color also holds viewer’s attention over an extended period of time. Imagine trying to read a book whose text is printed with orange ink on red paper. Your head would probably begin to ache after only a very short time. Colors that are easiest on the eyes include dark green, blue, and violet. Besides colors that are easy on the eyes, there should be sufficient contrast between paper color and ink color. Black or blue ink on white paper are the combinations most often used.
Color communications.
Colors are classified as warm or cool. Red, orange, and yellow are considered warm colors. They are the colors of sun and fire. Blue, green and violet are considered the colors of nature: blue water, green grass, and the violet darkness of night.
People are affected by color. Warm colors tend to excite people; cool colors tend to calm them down.
Besides affecting emotions, colors can communicate directly with people. Red, for example, may say stop! Red may indicate danger. Green, however, may say that all is well; it tells the viewer to continue. Colors can be used to communicate, so choose them with care.


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