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When Man Began To Communicate, And How Writing Evolved?


Even before primitive man developed spoken language, he was able to communicate by grunting, laughing, frowning, screaming, and by using physical force. In these and other ways he made his message clear to others.

As time went on, man developed other ways of communication. He learned to mark trails with piles of stones or cuts on trees. He discovered how to control fire and use smoke to signal others. He learned to communicate through a spoken language. And then he learned to write.


Writing made it possible to record information. It also made it possible to send message over great distances without direct contact. Most important, though, it enabled man to transmit knowledge to future generations.

PICTOGRAPHS. Evidence of man’s early attempts at writing can be found on the walls of caves 3000years old. The writing was in the form of pictures painted on cave walls. These paintings are called pictographs.

IDEOGRAPHS. As man’s need to communicate grew, picture writing gave way to idea writing. Pictures began to take on abstract meanings. Instead of representing the objects pictured, the pictures took on new meanings. They began to represent he feeling or idea that each was supposed to suggest. Graphic symbols that represent ideas are called ideographs.

HIEROGLYPHICS.Hieroglyphics are a form of ideographic. They are highly sophisticated renderings perfected by the Egyptians around 2500 B.C. Each picture represents an idea, not a sound as modern letters do.

Wanna know more about graphic communication? Follow China Flag Makers ,a graphic printing expert.


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